Showing posts with label Flag Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flag Football. Show all posts

Introducing Children to Football With Flag Football

Introducing Children to Football With Flag FootballFlag football is a great way for children to burn energy. Playing flag is also a great way to get your children involved in some physical activity. Pop Warner Youth Football League offers probably the best flag league in the country. Pop Warner has leagues all over the country.

Flag football is great for children to burn energy. After a busy day at work you get home only to see your children bouncing off the walls. The thing to do is have your children participate in outside physical activities. Playing flag will introduce physical activity to your child, so when it is 8 o'clock at night your children will be tired.

Playing flag will not only burn energy, but it will keep children away from TV and video games. It is important that children eat properly and stay physically active from a young age. Eating good foods and staying active greatly increases your child's overall health. 80% of obese children grow up obese; this is an alarming stat. Playing youth flag football will introduce physical / outdoor activity to these children; it will help keep children from excessive TV and video games.

Flag Football Coaching Tips

Flag Football Coaching TipsLets start this article with talking about Flag Football Drills. Most of the Flag Football Drills I have found deal with the basics, Run, Pass, Tackle (flag pulling). Using google to search for the term Flag Football Drills I discovered a couple of good drills. Most drills deal with a lot of running plays or basic flag pulling. There were not a lot of how to or technique drills. I found one below I would like to share. With any team, practice makes perfect. Flag is no different. If you are serious about winning check out this drill.

Chase the man

The purpose of this drill is to develop running skills and avoid having the flag pulled. Most flag runners will give up when someone is in front of them. So this drill will help with agility and footwork. This how you will set up the drill.

Set out a 40 x 40-yard area. Place cones 2 yards apart to simulate a mini-end zone. Recommended for six pairs of players, the maximum number of kids is 20. If cones are not available, marks on the ground or floor, t-shirts, or tape can be used. Balls are optional. These are the actions that you need to take in order to make this drill work